Homesick On New Year’s Eve

fireworks picture

I’ve enjoyed many New Year’s Eves over the years with family and friends.   Some have been spent quietly at home, some at church for Watchnight services complete with games and great refreshments, and some with a few friends watching the ball drop on television.  As a boy, I remember some…

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Away In A Feed Trough

manger scene

Away in a Manger has long been a favorite Christmas Carol for many children as well as adults.  The soft tune conjures up warm and cozy images of a stable’s comfy interior, complete with adoring shepherds and generous wise men.  While this picture of the holy nativity dominates our thoughts…

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Establishing A U.S. Prayer Force

Following the most recent terrorist attack in California, certain politicians and media have mocked and ridiculed calls to prayer. Mike Luckovich’s political cartoon that appeared in this paper on December 7th lampooned certain officials for announcing a doubling of prayers as a potential strategy to fight terrorism. Only in twenty-first…

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Christ or Christmas?

christmas tree light

With the turning of this final page of the calendar, we usher in the red and the green.  Welcome to the month of Christmas!  This holiday is the premier celebration of the entire year for most Americans and a tremendous boon for retail businesses as well.  What is it about…

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Where Are The Other Nine?

thanksgiving candle

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays for many reasons.  For one, it is a day on which most individuals and businesses still pause to rest, although that is sadly changing very quickly.  This day is also special to me because of the opportunity to spend time with my family…

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