A Fall At The Falls

As I shared in last week’s column, Nancy and I were privileged to recently visit Hawaii and enjoy many scenic and historic sites as well as the local cuisine, of which I brought back not a little on my person.  It was truly an enjoyable trip and we are thankful…

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The Resurrection Deserves A Celebration!

Sunday marks the observance of the greatest miracle in human history.  The resurrection of a human being who had been dead for three days was unprecedented until it occurred just outside Jerusalem in the first century.  There have been reports of miraculous healings, incredible weather changes, sudden provisions, military turnarounds,…

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Tears on Inauguration Day

This weekend Christians around the world will celebrate Palm Sunday, the day on which Jesus rode into Jerusalem declaring Himself to be the promised Messiah. His choice of a donkey for His mount not only fulfilled a prophecy Zechariah made hundreds of years earlier, but also underscored His kingship in…

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Fooling Ourselves About God

“Your shoestring’s untied!”  “Your shirt’s unbuttoned.”  “There’s a fly in your soup.”  You are likely to hear any of these on the first day of April as early risers seek to dupe those who fail to remember the Day of the Fool.  Although practical jokes and pranks have been around…

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What Goldilocks Can Teach Us

Most of us are familiar with the story of Goldilocks.  This precious little girl went for an unsupervised walk in the woods and happened upon the home of three absentee bears.  After sampling their porridge on the table, she gobbled up the portion belonging to the baby bear because it…

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Anti-Semitism Wears Many Cloaks

Last weekend many Jews celebrated the Festival of Purim which remembers God’s miraculous deliverance of their people through the courage of young Queen Esther.  In this Old Testament book, an evil man by the name of Haman hatched a plot to annihilate the Jews through a craftily worded executive order…

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Loving Children and Their Parents

happy child clapping

We have had an unusually warm winter in the Shenandoah Valley this year for which we can be most grateful.  Our monthly budgets are breathing a sigh of relief with an easing of heating bills as are VDOT’s snow removal allocations. Even with the warmer temperatures, however, there would still…

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Breaching a Dam is Dangerous Business

Over the last few weeks, residents who live downstream from California’s Lake Oroville have endured fretful times wondering if their homes and families will suddenly be washed away.  Reversing a drought that had plagued the area for several years, recent heavy rains have filled the lake to unanticipated levels and…

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