Consider The Daylilies!

The cool nights and clear days of spring have given way to the hot and humid days of summer, and along with those changes have come different flowers.  The hyacinths and daffodils of March and April are a distance memory as the daylilies have now taken center stage.  These showy…

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Conquering the Tour de Life

Each summer, the world watches as some of the toughest athletes in the world gather in Europe for the Tour de France.  This grueling test of endurance stretches over 2,200 miles in just 21 days and covers some of the steepest terrain on the continent.  This year’s contest will conclude…

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We Need An Aerial Perspective

hidden copperhead

If you ever have a hankering for a story, just say the word, “snake.”  Everyone has their own favorite tale about these legless creatures that strike fear in the hearts of all humanity and most are anxious to share them with anyone who will listen. My friend, Benny, shared a…

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The Price Our Founders Paid

This coming Tuesday, America observes its 241st birthday with cookouts, parades, and fireworks.  Although we often take our freedoms for granted, Independence Day really should be celebrated with great fanfare and all citizens should pause to thank God and our founders for the rare privileges we enjoy. Fifty-six men of courage…

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June Brides, Then and Now

June is the month for weddings.  According to, nearly 11% of all couples tie the nuptial knot sometime during this month.  Not only is the weather favorable, but the timing also coincides nicely with graduations when many are ready to begin the next chapters of their lives.  As such,…

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Insight From Our Ash Trees

ash tree

Our Shenandoah Valley forests are taking another hit.  A little over 100 years ago, the Chestnut Blight eliminated one of the most useful and stately trees in our woodlands.  About 50 years later, the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid began to hammer our Eastern Hemlocks and many have succumbed to their relentless…

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Graduation, Football, and Life

It’s a special weekend here in Shenandoah County as our high school seniors walk across stages, pick up their diplomas, and head off into life.  Many surrounding localities have already celebrated these milestones and a few are yet to come, but by mid-June most schools are out and students who…

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The Folly of Millennium Tower

millenium tower

In 2002, Millennium Partners pitched a proposal to build the tallest residential building west of the Mississippi in San Francisco.  The Planning Commission approved their request and the $350 million construction project began in 2005. Four years later, the 645 foot 58 story skyscraper known as Millennium Tower was completed…

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