Instruments in God’s Hand

                One of the blessings that God has created for our enjoyment is music.  Whether sung by happy birds, diving whales, or gifted humans, music delights our ears and nourishes our souls.  I’m very grateful for this unique creation that greatly enriches our existence.                 Few performances of music, however,…

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Making Godly Impressions

                We have all seen cement mixers running from one construction site to another.  Once they arrive, awaiting crews spring into action spreading the wet mix to fill all the available area.  They work feverishly to eliminate air bubbles and gaps and use floats and screeds to level the top. …

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Parable of the Firewood

                The firewood had been cut and neatly stacked by early September in anticipation of the upcoming winter.  As the days and weeks passed, the nights got cooler and cooler and even though the homeowner covered the stack with a tarp to shield the pieces from rain and snow, it…

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God’s Ingenious Insulators

                With the onslaught of cold weather and the first major snowstorm having already slammed the northeast, I’m thankful to be a Virginian!  I’m also thankful for warm clothing for when the temperature plunges here as it did in mid-November.                  Many synthetic materials have been developed for use as…

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The Roots of Thanksgiving

                Most of us are looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving this week and the official start of the holiday season.  Turkeys, dressing, cranberry sauce, and gravy will soon come to a table near you!                     Although most Americans realize that Thanksgiving Day came from the Pilgrims in New England,…

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We All Need A Break

                Here we are in the middle of Black Powder season and the deer are really moving.  Many fortunate hunters have already connected and others are attempting to bag their trophies.  Each deer harvested is one less to jump in front of an automobile or to ravage a farmer’s crops. …

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