The Bones Cry Out
The Testimony of Unneeded Spices
The Shockwave From The Cross
Christians around the world are about to enter into the most holy week of the year. We will celebrate Palm Sunday, then remember Maundy Thursday, observe Good Friday, mourn on Black Saturday and culminate with a great victory shout on Easter Sunday! Although coronavirus has colored our perspectives and…
Redeeming Our Time
Facing Coronavirus
Frozen In Time
Being somewhat of a science junky, I was fascinated by the recent report of DNA found in a duckbilled dinosaur skull estimated to be 75 million years old. While researchers assure us that Jurassic Park scenarios are not possible, it is entertaining, nonetheless, to consider the implications of this…
Cold Water and Hot Meals
When Wealth Is Immoral And When It Is Not…And How To Tell the Difference
This November, America will again choose our leader for the next four years. At present, it looks as though President Trump will be the Republican candidate while the Democratic choice is still up for grabs. Although it doesn’t pay well, the prestige and power connected to this office have certainly…
Planting Seeds For Jesus
After several years in finance and hospital administration, God called St. Luke native Michael Cooley to a different vocation. He is nearly finished with his Master’s Degree in Agroforestry from The University of Missouri and has advised numerous landowners up and down the valley regarding the best use of…