Parable of the Flowers

                Miss Petty Tunia bloomed profusely in the warm June sunshine.  Having been planted by her gardener many weeks earlier, she had all the moisture and nutrients she needed or desired. And whenever the rains were too long in coming, that gracious gardener turned his hose on his flowers for…

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Heating Up Our Atmosphere

            As we head into the heat of summertime, it seems that tempers and relationships are heating us as well.  The recent rioting has been particularly ugly and disheartening.  Police officers have been killed and injured, struggling businesses have been looted and burned, and our nation’s capital has been wounded…

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Appreciating All Parts Of The Body

                As we all know, COVID has reshaped our behavior in many ways. Although some businesses are reopening, many individuals continue to work from home and most normal activities remain on hold.                  This virus has also reshaped our thinking. Hopefully, we’ve grown in our relationships with God as we’ve…

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The Miracle Of Mothers

                Praise God for mothers!  This Sunday we recognize and celebrate the special role that God assigned to all mothers and highlight this crucial individual in all of our lives.  Not a single one of us is alive today without her love and sacrifice in caring for us for nine…

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Pause or Reset?

                As we continue to go through this pandemic together, most of us are eagerly looking forward to an end to stay at home orders and business closures. The reality, however, is beginning to sink in that even when that does occur, it will likely be some time before things…

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