Facing Coronavirus

                All of our lives have been drastically altered by a tiny organism none of us can see without a powerful microscope.  COVID 19 has upended our world in ways none of us ever imagined.  How should we respond to such sudden and pervasive change?                 For Christians, our first…

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Frozen In Time

            Being somewhat of a science junky, I was fascinated by the recent report of DNA found in a duckbilled dinosaur skull estimated to be 75 million years old.  While researchers assure us that Jurassic Park scenarios are not possible, it is entertaining, nonetheless, to consider the implications of this…

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Planting Seeds For Jesus

                After several years in finance and hospital administration, God called St. Luke native Michael Cooley to a different vocation.  He is nearly finished with his Master’s Degree in Agroforestry from The University of Missouri and has advised numerous landowners up and down the valley regarding the best use of…

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Another Who Died Well

                Next Wednesday would have been our mother’s 90th birthday.  Many readers will remember her remarkable death following a fiery accident on Christmas Eve of 2014.  As she lay in RMH, she used her last few hours to witness to medical personnel and her family and to sing praises to…

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Listening To Our Presidents

                Many are looking forward to a holiday this month celebrating the birthdays of our nation’s presidents.  Because two of the most famous were born in February, the third Monday has been set aside to honor them all.                  Although many hated Lincoln during the Civil War, most Americans revere…

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Forged In Fire

                When I was a student at Central High School, one of my Agriculture teachers introduced our class to the forge.  In those days, most Ag shops and many farms had a small forge to make or repair various implements.  I still remember how the metal glowed red hot after…

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Getting Some Terms Straight

                Many years ago someone coined the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  Although it presents a courageous front, we all know how hurtful words can be and that the opposite phrase holds more truth, “The pen is mightier than the sword.”…

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