Why The First Command Is First
The Importance of Muting Oneself
Don’t Fret Over The Election
On This Day In Your History
A Blind Political Taste Test
Too Much of a Good Thing?
Someone’s Always Listening!
We are very blessed today with many modern conveniences. Indoor plumbing, electricity, and microwaves are so commonplace now that it’s difficult to imagine life without them. Many homes are high-tech with the ability to change the thermostat, start the coffeepot, or adjust the lighting from thousands of miles away through…
Growing Apples For Jesus
Several months ago, the Valley was enjoying the beauty and fragrance of many apple blossoms as Jonathan, Granny Smith, and others burst into their springtime finest. Although the annual festival was cancelled, the trees went right on blooming regardless of whether we celebrated them or not. Now in late September,…
The Antietam Bible Comes Home
Can You Trust The Bible?
There’s a lot being said today about fake news and unverified reporting. Everyone with access to the internet knows that all information found there should be fact-checked using Snopes.com or other websites. This inundation of lies and false narratives makes it increasingly difficult to know who or what to believe.…