
George Bowers photo

Pastor George Bowers was born in Woodstock and has spent most of his life in Shenandoah County. After graduating from Central High School in Woodstock, he earned his BS Degree in Agricultural Education with a minor in Agricultural Economics in 1986 from Virginia Tech. He taught Agriculture for two years at Culpeper Jr. High School before returning to teach Agriculture, Natural Resources and Leadership Development at Central for 15 years. While at Central, he coached several state winning FFA teams and advised numerous State Officers and one National Officer.

While still teaching in 1996 he was called to pastor part-time at the Antioch Church and in 2003 he resigned his teaching job to pastor full time. George and his wife Nancy have four children and ten grandchildren. He enjoys hunting, reading, and writing poetry and has published 25 books. In addition, he writes columns for the Northern Virginia Daily and Chimney Rocks Chronicle newspapers and serves on the National Executive Board for the Covenant Brethren Church.

He has also served as Founding President of Family Promise of Shenandoah County and currently serves as President of Shenandoah County Weekday Religious Education Association and Vice President of SONshine Ministries.

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