Author: George Bowers
Jesus Did This!
Preventing Foundational Collapse
The Quest For Real Truth
We live in a very confusing time. While many complain about disinformation, others blatantly declare there is no absolute truth. What’s true for one person may not be true for another. Is this true? Even though some pedal this teaching of relativism, it quickly wilts when exposed to rational thinking.…
Blooming For Jesus
One of the supreme advantages of summer is the beauty of blooming flowers. Although spring blossoms have long since disappeared, geraniums, hibiscuses, roses, gladiolas, petunias, daisies, hydrangeas, and a host of other showy plants decorate the July landscape. Daylilies are also displaying in all their gorgeous variety of colors and…
Celebrating, Remembering, and Preserving Freedom
Help For Our Valley And For Ukraine
It is with great anguish that we watch the destruction of Ukraine. This once vibrant nation is being mercifully bombarded and each Russian bullet and bomb exacts additional suffering and pain. Our prayers continue for the return of peace and prosperity for these beleaguered people. It’s hard to imagine, but…
Adopted By Our Heavenly Father
Hezekiah’s Tunnel and Our Own
Many tourists visit Israel each year to walk the streets where Jesus walked and see the sights mentioned throughout the Bible. Although there is much to see in Galilee, Bethlehem, and the Jordan River Valley, no trip to Israel is complete without visiting its capital, Jerusalem. While many sites impress…
The Proof Is In The Doing
Summertime is water time. During these warming days, many individuals and families take to the beach, the pool, or the river attempting to stay cool. Raft trips, kayaking, swimming, boating, skiing and more invite the overheated to find relief and refreshment. One of the most common summer activities in the…