Praise God that COVID numbers have dropped significantly in our area! Although they are still above new case reports from last summer, they are greatly reduced from what we saw in December and January.
The reasons for this decline are still undetermined, but speculation includes everything from the rollout of the vaccines to normal cycles of the virus itself. Although I hope we discover the reasons, I’m just thankful for the reprieve from suffering, and in some cases, deaths from this pandemic.
Because Nancy’s mother lives in our home, all three of us have now had our second shots and are fully vaccinated. Research data indicates that we are now 95% safe from contracting the virus with our immune systems prepared for the microscopic invaders.
Although there is still a small chance of contracting COVID, as of now, not one of the 50 million US individuals who have been vaccinated have died of COVID afterward. That is very significant. Praise God for researchers, doctors, nurses, leaders and others who have worked together to develop and deliver these injections.
Despite having been developed and administered in record time, it has seemed like an eternity coming as we’ve dealt with masks, distancing, and shutdowns. Nevertheless, it does appear to be our ticket to escape the crippling conditions we have endured the last eleven months.
Several years ago in a message on Mark 16, I noted that Jesus provided the most important vaccine of all. We each have a hereditary disease passed down from our first father. Because Adam sinned, all of his descendants have been infected, and unlike the relatively low fatality rate from COVID, sin causes death in 100% of the people who acquire it.
This malady not only causes all physical suffering, but is also the root of all emotional, mental, and relational disorders as well. Sin is the mega-virus that has birthed all earth’s problems and evils. Even worse is the truth that if we die in our sins, the consequences carry forward into an eternity of suffering and misery.
The Good News is that God loves us too much to allow this to continue. From the very beginning, He planned to send His Son into our world through a virgin birth in order to escape the inherited curse. Jesus lived a perfect life and died a sacrificial death to pay for all humanity’s sins.
His blood became the vaccine that saves from eternal death. Unlike Pfizer, Moderna, and the others, His is 100% effective and works against all variants and strains of evil. Not only does it cleanse us of past sins, it is accompanied by the Holy Spirit who helps us to recognize and resist sinful thoughts and activities going forward.
Jesus’ vaccine is also available to every person without cost. It only requires us to receive and accept His life-giving dose. He cures the chief result of sin which is eternal death in hell and He also reduces associated symptoms such as selfishness, pride, hopelessness, gossip, sexual perversion, etc.
Sadly, many people are skeptical or unconcerned not realizing the deadly and eternal consequences they face. Fortunately, this vaccine has been vetted and found safe with only beneficial side effects of joy, peace, and love. Who couldn’t use more of those?
During the rollout of the COVID vaccines, doctors, nurses and other health professionals have done heroic work in administering millions of shots. They have knowledge, skill, and experience to give these injections safely.
Similarly, anyone who knows Jesus becomes not only capable, but commissioned to administer Jesus’ vaccine. It is a Christian’s privilege and responsibility to invite our friends, neighbors, and coworkers to roll up their heart’s sleeve and receive Jesus into their lives to completely revolutionize their current and eternal existence.
If you’ve never received the vaccine of grace that Jesus died to develop, accept His free gift today. Walk-in clinics are held every Sunday at area churches but you can get inoculated from sin’s curse anytime and anywhere through prayer. And if you have received Jesus, inoculate someone else today!
Blessings, George