Redeeming Our Time

                As self-quarantining continues in an effort to slow the spread of coronavirus, folks are actually at home more than at any time in recent memory.  With no sports or school events, no public worship or church activities, and no eating out or partying, many face a quandary of how…

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Facing Coronavirus

                All of our lives have been drastically altered by a tiny organism none of us can see without a powerful microscope.  COVID 19 has upended our world in ways none of us ever imagined.  How should we respond to such sudden and pervasive change?                 For Christians, our first…

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Frozen In Time

            Being somewhat of a science junky, I was fascinated by the recent report of DNA found in a duckbilled dinosaur skull estimated to be 75 million years old.  While researchers assure us that Jurassic Park scenarios are not possible, it is entertaining, nonetheless, to consider the implications of this…

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