A few years back I remember hearing about the threat of foreign investors. At that time, several wealthy Europeans were buying up American farmland to such an extent that there were concerns regarding food security in the event of international conflict. In addition, the possibility of wide scale residential development of these properties would also spell trouble for America’s food supply.
While the urgency of this concern seems to have passed, Jesus actually encouraged His followers to do some foreign investing. On several occasions He advised individuals to store up treasures in heaven rather than on earth.
In Matthew 6, the Master underscored the security of heavenly investments when He said that moths can’t eat them away and no thieves can break in and steal them. In 2018, 1.23 million burglaries were reported in the United States and with the average value of each theft at nearly $2500, a total of over 3 billion dollars’ worth of goods were taken illegally. Although burglaries are dropping in the US, the threat of having items stolen is driving a huge home security industry and continues to be a persistent problem for law enforcement.

An even bigger problem in this world is that virtually every material item deteriorates. Every earthly thing depreciates, ages, tarnishes, and loses value unless it receives constant attention. Some of the finest ancient Egyptian items have been almost entirely consumed by rust or rot. Jesus indicated that there is no rust in heaven and that instead of depreciating, our assets there hold and increase in value!
So where do we find a brokerage firm selling heavenly shares? Jesus pointed us in that direction as well for He told us in Mark 10 and Luke 12 that we lay up heavenly treasure by giving to the poor who are unable to repay. While we may not recognize them as traders and investment counselors, poor folks actually hand out these holy stock certificates and cement our investments in the safest of markets.
Many of us are aware of the needy during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons and may reach out with donations or help to a food pantry or homeless ministry. While these are very beneficial, the needs for housing, food, clothing, and health care persist throughout the year. There is no day on the calendar on which heaven’s brokerage firm is closed and we can add to our portfolio at any time by assisting those in need.
While opportunities for employment are more available now than at many times in the past, it is still difficult for some to secure a job due to poor training, child care needs, or educational obstacles. Thankfully there are programs in place to remedy many of these challenges, and many are working their way through them but still need short term help.
We should be good stewards of our own resources and encourage others to do the same. Paul says that if a person won’t work, he or she shouldn’t eat. But there are still times when some individuals want to work but cannot due to health or layoffs and they and their children can benefit from our stopgap generosity. Next year it may be us in need of their compassion.
One other important point that Jesus reminds us of is that our hearts will be wherever our treasures are. If our treasures are all in stocks, bonds, and real estate, we’ll be very tightly tied to them and this earth. But if we purchase assets in heaven, we’ll be looking forward to going there with much more anticipation.
During this time of year, we should each consider doing some foreign investing by laying up some treasures in heaven. Let’s be sensitive to others and support ministries and individuals who are most in need.
Blessings, George