Month: April 2018
Boundary Stones, Witness Trees, and Iron Stakes
I found the article in Monday’s paper about Washington, DC’s boundary stones very interesting. Having just spoken about such things the day before in Sunday worship, it was especially enlightening to see how the early surveyors and planners took great pains to carefully align and place forty rocks around the…
God’s Manufacturing Process
Before becoming a fulltime pastor, I taught Agriculture for fifteen years at Central High School. One of the privileges I had during that time was to take students on various field trips throughout Shenandoah County and beyond. I always believed that students learned more “out there” than they did in…
Who Are We Pleasing?
Spring Turkey Season in Virginia begins with the special youth days this weekend and the season opens for all next Saturday. I’ve been looking forward to this time for several weeks and am anxiously anticipating listening to one the most awesome sounds in the Virginia woodlands: a wild turkey’s gobble!…
Boundary Stones, Witness Trees, and Iron Stakes
I found the article in Monday’s paper about Washington, DC’s boundary stones very interesting. Having just spoken about such things the day before in Sunday worship, it was especially enlightening to see how the early surveyors and planners took great pains to carefully align and place forty rocks around the…
God’s Manufacturing Process
Before becoming a fulltime pastor, I taught Agriculture for fifteen years at Central High School. One of the privileges I had during that time was to take students on various field trips throughout Shenandoah County and beyond. I always believed that students learned more “out there” than they did in…
Who Are We Pleasing?
Spring Turkey Season in Virginia begins with the special youth days this weekend and the season opens for all next Saturday. I’ve been looking forward to this time for several weeks and am anxiously anticipating listening to one the most awesome sounds in the Virginia woodlands: a wild turkey’s gobble!…